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Stan Admiraal

BW App not working after installation on new mobile phone

I have a new mobile phone and I cannot approve online payments due to a missing "Sicherheitscode". I have requested a new code several times but I still have not received anything. 

This is impacting my daily work and I cannot make any payments for work, or I have to make payments privately avoiding BW-Bank. 

PS For a "World" Bank, it is not very helpful that communication by BW Bank is only in German. 



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1 Kommentar
  • Freitag, 31.05.2024 um 08:52 Uhr
Hello Stan,

do you mean the BW-Secure app? If you mean this app, you need a "Einmalpasswort" to complete the new registration. If you mean another app, please tell us what for a app you mean.

You can request a new one-time password via the following link:

Please do NOT click on "Neues Gerät hinzufügen". Please enter your credit card number and click on "Registrieren".
Click on the "i" to the right of the "Einmalpasswort" tab. You can request here the one-time password.

This one-time password will be sent to you by post within 3-7 working days. The password is valid for 180 days.

You will not be automatically registered when the apps and data are transferred to the new iPhone.

If you have any further questions, please contact BW Secure customer service: 0711/127-49000 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm).

Best regards
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