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  • Donnerstag, 14.06.2018 um 17:48 Uhr

Konto Schliessen


my name is Maria and I opened a bank account 4 years ago in Stuttgart when I worked as Au pair with a family once that i moved back to Spain I forgot to close it and I still recieve letter to my german adress. I want to close it because they charge me every month for maintenance expenses. Could you please eplain how to do it and how to to the paidment from Spain?

Thank you in advance,


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Richtige Antwort
  • Freitag, 15.06.2018 um 08:05 Uhr
Good morning Maria,

it's also possible to close your account by sending us a short written document with your signature and a copy of your ID card to the following address:

Baden Württembergische Bank
OE 3832/H
70144 Stuttgart

In addition, please let us know your new account number so we can transfer the remaining amount.
Please crush the credit card and put it to the document.

Have a nice weekend.

Best regards
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3 Kommentare
  • Donnerstag, 14.06.2018 um 18:03 Uhr
Hello Maria,

I unterstand the reason, why you want to close your account.
If you used our Online-Banking and you already got the TAN-Generator (blue device), you can send us a short message via https://www.bw-bank.de/auftrag-uebermitteln where you can let us know the account where we can send the money left in your account. Your message will be verified by a TAN. After that we can close your account.

Wish you all the best.

Best regards
  • Donnerstag, 14.06.2018 um 18:13 Uhr
Hello Sybille,

First thank you for your quick answer, I think I do not have the TAN-Generator I have only the credit card but is also expired. how could I get it? Could you give me also another option so I could also close it?

Your Sincerelly,

Richtige Antwort
  • Freitag, 15.06.2018 um 08:05 Uhr
Good morning Maria,

it's also possible to close your account by sending us a short written document with your signature and a copy of your ID card to the following address:

Baden Württembergische Bank
OE 3832/H
70144 Stuttgart

In addition, please let us know your new account number so we can transfer the remaining amount.
Please crush the credit card and put it to the document.

Have a nice weekend.

Best regards